Voices and Experts
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- Adewale Troutman, MD, director, Louisville Metro Public Health and Wellness.
- Jim Taylor, father, grandfather and CEO of a large Louisville hospital.
- Tondra Young, African American medical technician and supervisor of a hospital
blood lab; a homeowner burdened with college debt.
- Corey Anderson, hospital janitor with hyper-tension and little control in his work
life; a renter in a neighborhood plagued by violent crime.
- Mary Turner, white, unemployed mother of three; suffered a heart attack and continues to struggle against poor health and hopelessness.
- Sir Michael Marmot, professor of epidemiology and public health, University
College London.
- Tony Iton, MD, director, Alameda County (CA) Public Health Department.
- David Williams, Norman Professor of Public Health, Harvard University School
of Public Health; director, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Commission to
Build a Healthier America.
- Sheldon Cohen, Robert E. Doherty Professor of Psychology,
Carnegie Mellon University
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