The Title Contest Continues...
Many thanks to everyone who submitted title suggestions for our new production, American Birthright. We were thrilled to receive more than 600 responses! Some of the top contenders were Growing Concerns, As Ye Sow..., The Cradle of America, Birthright, Rocking the Cradle and Crying Shame.
Alas, in our opinion none of the submissions rose above American Birthright. Titles are hard to do. They need to be memorable ("sticky"), inviting, allusive, slyly indicate the scope and importance of the film yet be non-didactic (i.e. not "read" educational film), and, hopefully, communicate possibility.
So, there is no winner - yet. But we're still keeping the door open. Please submit additional title suggestions. We'll keep you posted. And hopefully announce a winner!
Search, Add or Edit the Early Child Development Database
There are thousands of organizations, programs and resources on early child development but which are current? Which focus on the life-course approach, equity issues, and the larger socio-economic environment? Which are in your area?
Visit the user-run ECD database with over 800 entries to find out. While you're there, add what you think is missing.
The American Birthright Public Engagement Campaign is Taking Off!
American Birthright (scheduled for release in Spring 2013) grows out of our work with UNNATURAL CAUSES: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?.
It's often said a society can be measured by how well it attends to its children. So how is it that children in the U.S. have worse outcomes on most measures of health, education and well-being than other rich nations?
Join the American Birthright Public Engagement Campaign to reframe the debate about what we as a society can - and should - do so every infant in America can grow up in the rich and caring environments children need to thrive.
Use the forthcoming American Birthright documentary and multimedia tools to support your organization's work and spark exploration, discussion and action because a nurturing child ecology is not only the right of every infant, it's the cornerstone for a healthier, stronger and more equitable future for our nation.
Initial Campaign Partners:
Visit to learn more and to join the Public Engagement Campaign.
Health Equity News and Resources
Changing the Way Americans Think About Health
UNNATURAL CAUSES Executive Producer Larry Adelman kicks off the McKinney & Associates eBook Series on Social Justice Campaigns with the UNNATURAL CAUSES eBook, Changing the Way Americans Think About Health.
Community Health Centers Leveraging the Social Determinants of Health
The Institute of Alternative Futures (IAF) just released a report on how health care providers can bring a social determinants of health perspective to their work, including addressing the social, economic, and physical conditions that underlie and shape their patients' health.
The IAF also recently released The State of the Health Equity Movement, 2011 Update; three reports that provide information about health equity in the U.S. including trends in policy decisions, administrative actions and community efforts.
Roots of Health Inequity: A Free Web-Based Course and Learning Collaborative
Developed by the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), this comprehensive and interactive web-based curriculum was designed to help orient staff and students, inform strategic planning processes, and develop an organizational culture and community of peers committed to tackling health inequities.
National Health Equity Research Webcast
The annual UNC School of Public Health Minority Health Project presents the 18th National Health Equity Research Webcast. The webcast will occur on Tuesday, June 5, 2012, 1:30-4:00 PM EDT and will discuss the theme, "Social Determinants of Health Disparities: Moving the Nation to Care about Social Justice."
U.S. Lags in Global Measure of Premature Births
This New York Times article looks at why premature birth rates in the United States rank similar to developing countries according to a global comparison of premature births by the World Health Organization.
Angela Glover Blackwell on the American Dream
Angela Glover Blackwell, Founder and CEO of PolicyLink discusses how the broader social determinants of health, like racism, shape community health factors- such as transportation and food access in this Moyers & Company video.
Place Matters for Health in the San Joaquin Valley
In this report, the Joint Center's Health Policy Institute examines health inequities in the San Joaquin Valley. The report is part of the larger PLACE MATTERS initiative which explores the relationship between life expectancy and social determinants of health.
Improving Equity in Health by Addressing Social Determinants
This book is available by free download and highlights recommended actions to improve health equity based on findings from the WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health's global Knowledge Networks.
Violence Ages Children's DNA, Shortens Their Chromosomes
A study in Molecular Psychiatry shows how toxic stress and early child adversity can get under the skin by shortening telomeres, thus altering DNA.
Zip Code as Important as Genetic Code in Childhood Obesity
This ScienceDaily article reviews a study that goes beyond personal behavior to show how environment, specifically the neighborhood where a child lives, can effect childhood obesity rates.
Time to Revisit Food Deserts
A controversial article about the definition of food deserts and accessibility of nutritious food to low income families by New York Times feature writer David Bornstein.
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Online Streaming Discount

In-Perpetuity Streaming Licenses for UNNATURAL CAUSES and other titles are now available at a discount until 9/1/12!
California Newsreel recognizes educational institutions' urgent need to deliver library VHS and DVD holdings over powerful new digital learning platforms. We also realize they face Draconian budget cuts which prevent the migration of irreplaceable video titles to digital delivery systems.
Learn more about the streaming license discount for UNNATURAL CAUSES and other titles.
Newsreel Discount Offer
Until September 2012, DVDs from California Newsreel's African American Perspectives Collection are available for up to 75% OFF their list prices. Choose from over 50 documentaries spanning centuries of African American history, literature and culture and titles addressing racial justice themes.
Colleges, Universities and Government Agencies can buy 10 or more titles for ONLY $49.95 each - up to 75% OFF!
High schools, public libraries, HBCUs and Community Organizations can purchase 10 or more titles for $24.95 each - 50% OFF!
Choose from over 60 documentaries on African American history, literature, and racial justice themes, including such landmark films as
Race - The Power of an Illusion,
Ethnic Notions,
Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North and
The Complete Blue Eyed.
View discount details!
UNNATURAL CAUSES was produced by California Newsreel in association with Vital Pictures, Inc. California Newsreel is the oldest non-profit documentary production and distribution center in the country, now celebrating its 41st anniversary.
California Newsreel runs a free online preview series every month. Visit to watch the entire award-winning documentary Faubourg Treme: the Untold Story of Black New Orleans for free!
For more information on our extensive collections of acclaimed DVDs, click on the links below or visit us at
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