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Handouts - To pass out at events
Backgrounders - To better understand the issues
Event Planning Tools - To organize your event
Publicity Materials - To publicize your event

10 Things to Know about Health (pdf) 
UNNATURAL CAUSES, 2008 A two-page handout that briefly describes ten key messages about health equity, as presented in the PBS series UNNATURAL CAUSES, useful for spurring discussion and raising awareness.
Backgrounders on Health Equity Topics (pdf) 
UNNATURAL CAUSES This document by California Newsreel provides an overview of how social concerns such as income, jobs, education, housing, and racism relate to health outcomes and inequities. The short pieces in this document are taken from the topic introductions in the Health Equity database on the UNNATURAL CAUSES Web site. |
CREATORS MUSE, An interview with the filmmakers (pdf) 
UNNATURAL CAUSES, 2008 Series Creator/Executive Producer Larry Adelman and Co-Executive Producer Llew Smith offer insights on the art, the science and the inspiration behind UNNATURAL CAUSES: Is Inequality Making Us Sick? |
Glossary of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Terms 
WEB SITE, Public Health Agency of Canada A great guide to the lingo of SDOH to help you and the groups you outreach to better understand other materials.
Making Health Equity Visible: Results and Recommendations from the Unnatural Causes User Survey 
UNNATURAL CAUSES, 2009 In December 2008, California Newsreel conducted a web-based survey to better ascertain just how UNNATURAL CAUSES was being used as a tool to educate, organize, and advocate for health equity. Based on the survey findings, feedback from outreach partners, and the observations of our team, we compiled recommendations for using Unnatural Causes more effectively in the development and mobilization of a stronger movement for health equity.
You can also download the PDF of the raw charts for each question.
Policy Guide (pdf) 
UNNATURAL CAUSES This guide contains a menu of policy ideas that can improve health equity. Generally, such policies aim to: tackle inequality and improving living standards, protect those at the bottom of the pyramid, and reform decision-making processes. |
Race, Racial Inequality, and Health Inequities: Separating Myth from Fact (pdf) 
ARTICLE by Brian Smedley, Michael Jeffries, Larry Adelman and Jean Cheng This paper, prepared by staff at The Opportunity Agenda and California Newsreel, provides background, statistics, and theoretical frameworks to help the reader better understand the role that "race" plays in health inequities. Evidence is presented that discounts popularly accepted genetic explanations and supports theories of socially-based factors. |
Selected Additional Resources on Health and Place 
HANDOUT from UNNATURAL CAUSES This handout describes several key resources that may be useful for audiences interested in learning more about the connections between population health and the built / physical, social, economic, and service environment. |
Series Background - Summary, Objectives, and Themes (pdf) 
California Newsreel, 2008 A seven-page document outlining the background, objectives, and key themes of the UNNATURAL CAUSES series. |
Series Overview: One-Page Flier(pdf) 
Why Our Greatest Health Concern Isn't Diet or Exercise - It's Neighborhood 
OP-ED by Larry Adelman on AlterNet.org, February 19, 2009
Series Creator and Executive Producer Larry Adelman expands upon economist Robert Evan's analogy of health care as a repair shop to illustrate the crucial role that "road conditions" play in determining our health status.
Download as PDF. |