UNNATURAL CAUSES is inequality making us sick? HEALTH EQUITY research topics and resources to learn more
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Getting the Most out of the Series and Your Event

The UNNATURAL CAUSES documentary series can help you promote health equity in the following ways:

  • Educate and raise awareness about the extent and cost of health inequities and the notion that as a society we can make different choices
  • Organize to get people involved, build alliances across sectors and take advantage of opportunities to advance health equity
  • Advocate to focus policymaker and media attention on innovative strategies and initiatives that address the root causes of health inequities

The series and its accompanying materials are simply tools to spark exploration, discussion and action. The real power lies in your ability to incorporate them into a larger health equity strategy.

STEP 1: Use the Action Toolkit to:

  • Assess internal capacity and make sure “your house is in order” before bringing people together
  • Develop clear goals and objectives for your event
  • Select the best episode to screen - don't just show what is most obvious
  • Identify promising practices and avenues for action that will engage your audience

STEP 2: Communicate the big picture and deepen understanding of root causes and solutions by:

  • reading our backgrounders for talking points and ideas
  • picking relevant questions and activities from the Discussion Guide to engage your audience in thoughtful inquiry
  • sharing examples from the Policy Guide to highlight how social and economic policies are intertwined with health outcomes

STEP 3: Provide participants with handouts about the issues and information about how to get involved and take action to promote health equity. Consider inviting a speaker from our national list or a local initiative.

Explore the links on the left for more guidance and valuable tips on planning a successful event - one that not only showcases the film but furthers your own health equity agenda.