San Francisco Department of Public Health, Program on Health, Equity and Sustainability
LOCATION: San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.
FOCUS AREA: Children / Families, Education, Environment / Land Use, Food security / Nutrition, Health Care Delivery, Housing / Neighborhoods, Immigration, Income & Wealth, Jobs & Work, Law, Media / Journalism, Mental health / Psychology, Public Health, Public Policy, Race / Ethnicity, Social Inclusion, Transportation
HEALTH EQUITY INITIATIVES: The San Francisco Department of Public Health has several programs that seek to promote health equity by engaging San Francisco residents and other community stakeholders in policy and behavior change. All programs seek to value the needs, experiences and knowledge of diverse San Francisco residents.
In the Environmental Health section, staff in the Program on Health, Equity, and Sustainability (PHES) advance urban health and social and environmental justice through ongoing integration of local government and community efforts and through valuing the needs, experiences, and knowledge of diverse San Francisco residents. Some current PHES projects include: development and application of Health Impact Assessment (HIA) tools including the Healthy Development Measurement Tool (HDMT), staffing the SF Food Systems Council, conducting participatory research with vulnerable workers, and promoting access to healthy and clean air, water, land, housing, and work. In January 2008, PHES hosted a Town Hall Meeting to screen Unnatural Causes and discuss local efforts to address the built environment and health. PHES staff have also supported community led screenings of the film and networking among event organizers. All Town Hall data/fact sheets, program materials, lessons learned, and more info about PHES activities are available at: http://dphwww.sfdph.org/phes/phes_unnatural_causes.htm.
In the Community Promotion and Prevention department, staff in the Community Health Education Section (CHES) support the development and implementation of Community Action Model (CAM). CAM works in collaboration with and provides a framework for community members to acquire the skills and resources to investigate the health of the place they live and then plan and implement policies for environmental change and health equity. Viewings of Unnatural Causes are sponsored through the CHES, the Health Education and Training Center as well as through community led and sponsored community disparities groups. For a complete listing of relevant programs please see: http://www.sfdph.org/dph/comupg/oprograms/communityPro/default.asp
We have posted all of our data/fact sheets, program event materials and lessons learned from planning our first Town Hall meeting on our website: http://dphwww.sfdph.org/phes/phes_Unnatural_Causes.htm
- Host a screening event featuring UNNATURAL CAUSES
- Use the series and materials in trainings or classes
- Post and share information about the series with members and constituents